Waverley College Strategic Planning Survey

The purpose of this survey is to enable you to provide your views on the future directions for Waverley College. Ultimately, your responses will contribute directly to the development of a strategic plan that will drive the college's work from 2019 to 2023.
The survey has been developed from the responses of focus groups conducted in late Term 1 at the college with students, teachers, parents and school executive. The college Board will also be consulted in this process.
Your responses are confidential. No names are required or will be reported. 
You can complete the survey at one time, but you must click the DONE button at the end of the survey. You can go back and edit your responses or resume completion by clicking on the survey link, so long as you use the same computer each time and have cookies enabled.

Thank you for your assistance.

Question Title

* 1. Please describe your current relationship with the college (please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. In positioning the school for the future, how important do you think the following priorities will be:

  Very important Important Not so important Unimportant
Achieving higher academic results than at present
Providing all-round development for all students
Expanding co-curricular participation to achieve greater balance between sport and creative endeavours
Enhancing relationships with the local community
Ensuring contemporary teaching and learning practices that are relevant for all students from Years 5-12
Improving existing school facilities for learning
Increasing access to sporting grounds for students
Developing a college identity which emphasises high academic achievement
Ensuring the ongoing maintenance of the Catholic ethos across the college
Ensuring that the Edmund Rice touchstones and some of their elements such as 'advocacy and social justice justice' remain fundamental values for all students 
Ensuring that school fees are perceived to be providing value for money for parents and students

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Teaching approaches across the college encourage  students to take responsibility for their own learning
The Edmund Rice philosophy has diminished in importance as a major source of values development for all students at the college
The college currently supports all students to reach their full academic potential
Teaching and learning practices in the school are preparing students well for the world of the future
The college currently  differentiates itself from local school competitors in its focus on academic excellence
Teaching and learning practices are well suited to the learning needs of all students
Social and emotional development of students is a strength of the college
The importance of global citizenship is strongly emphasised across the college
Existing learning facilities strongly support contemporary teaching and learning practices
Environmental sustainability is seen to be an important priority in the college
Technology infrastructure  effectively underpins teaching and learning across the college
The college is working effectively with parents to ensure that students are making responsible use of social media for learning
A consistent approach to the way that teaching is delivered is evident across the college 5-12
School rules are applied fairly and consistently across the college 5-12
College communication with parents is responsive and relevant
Old boys are generally under-utilised as a source of  support for the college
All boys  take advantage of the diverse opportunities for developing student leadership skills

Question Title

* 4. To what extent do you believe the wording of the key messages of current strategic planning documents remains relevant for the future directions of the college?

  Very relevant Somewhat relevant Not relevant
" Liberating the potential in every learner" (Phase 2 Strategy 2015-18)
"Liberate hearts and minds through the search for meaning and truth, reflection on beliefs and responsible contribution towards a better world for all" (Liberate Learning Framework 2015-18)
Liberating the potential of every learner ( Learning Statement)

Question Title

* 5. The current Learning Statement for Waverley College proposes the following key beliefs about learning. To what extent do you believe each of these five statements remains relevant for the future of Waverley College 2019-2023?

  Great extent Moderate extent Little extent Not at all
Learning must take place in a positive and supportive environment
Learning styles are highly individual
Learning must connect to each of the emotional, social, physical and spiritual domains
Learning involves critical thinking
Learning is a lifelong process

Question Title

* 6. The Learning Statement also identifies nine characteristics of the portrait of a learner at Waverley College, as follows:
* A critical thinker
* A problem solver
* A communicator
* A collaborator
* An innovator
* Globally aware
* Media Literate
* Information literate
* A lifelong learner

Could you please identify any characteristics that you believe should be added or deleted from this list?

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* 7. How effective are the current wellbeing systems/practices in terms of improving students' connectedness to each other and the school?

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* 8. What is one way the College could improve its wellbeing / pastoral care for boys?