The City of Waterville, with help from a diverse planning committee, is seeking your input as it begins the process of updating the City's Comprehensive Community Plan!

Many good things have occurred in Waterville over the past decade. The goal of this Updated Plan will be to continue this path forward, working to coordinate and prioritize new community improvements in areas such as downtown and riverfront revitalization, neighborhoods, economic development, parks and recreation, infrastructure, and community services and facilities.

The first step of the planning process is a quick, anonymous survey to gather your thoughts and ideas. Printed copies of the survey may also be attained at the Waterville Municipal Building located at 25 N. 2nd Street.

Thank you for your time and feedback!

Question Title

* 1. I live in:

Question Title

* 2. I am a (Select all the apply):

Question Title

* 3. Rate your "Quality of Life" in Waterville:

Question Title

* 4. If you could make one improvement in the community, what would it be?

Question Title

* 5. Rate your support for the following activities: Select your choice from 1 (low priority) to 4 (high priority).

  1 (Lowest Priority) 2 3 4 (Highest Priority)
Address neighborhood / property blight and nuisance issues
Additional Maumee River connection points (Kayak, fishing, public spaces, etc.)
Community festivals and events
Downtown renewal and enhancements
Encourage alternative and renewable energy programs
Improved park and recreational opportunities
Improved housing options
Improved beautification and visual enhancements of major corridors and intersections
Neighborhood improvements and revitalization (lighting, curbs, street trees, etc.)
Pedestrian access and/or walkability improvements (bike lanes, multi-use paths, sidewalks)
Preservation of historical / architecturally-significant properties
Revitalize vacant and under-utilized commercial properties
Riverfront enhancements
Senior citizen activities and programs
Street maintenance and improvements
Water and sewer infrastructure improvements
Work with adjacent communities and townships on key issues and plans

Question Title

* 6. What land uses would you like to see expanded in the community?

  Yes No Unsure
Single Family Residential
Senior Living Opportunities
Parks and Recreation
Community Public Spaces

Question Title

* 7. Do you feel historical and architecturally-significant properties help to promote the downtown?

Question Title

* 8. What enhancements and amenities would you like to see in the downtown and along the riverfront?

Question Title

* 9. What additional businesses would you like to see in the community?

Question Title

* 10. What other community services or amenities are needed in Waterville?

Question Title

* 11. Are there any locations in need of improved access or pedestrian connectivity? If so, where?

Question Title

* 12. What is your biggest concern about the future of this community?

Question Title

* 13. By 2045, Waterville will be:

Question Title

* 14. Your gender:

Question Title

* 15. Your age:

Question Title

* 16. How long have you been a resident of Waterville?

Question Title

* 17. Location of employment (Check only one):

Question Title

* 18. Other Comments: Please express any other thoughts or concerns you may have.

Thank you for your participation. Please check the City's website and social media pages for additional opportunities to participate in the Waterville Comprehensive Planning effort!

Printed copies of this survey can be obtained at the Waterville Municipal Building, 25 North Second Street, Waterville, OH 43566.

Click Submit to complete the survey.