
We are inviting members of the public and our stakeholders to have their say on the new Waste Prevention Draft Strategy for 2024-2030. This waste prevention strategy replaces Shropshire Council’s waste prevention plan 2010 to 2015. The strategy has been developed in the first half of 2024 during a time in which the waste management service in Shropshire is undergoing significant change in response to the councils challenging financial position.

National waste policy is also changing at scale, reflecting new legislation introduced under the Environment Act 2021. Changes to the waste policy landscape are expected during the term of this strategy and reforms include simpler recycling, the introduction of separate weekly food waste collections, a deposit return scheme and extended producer responsibility. These reforms will serve to reduce the quantity of Shropshire’s household waste.

Data up to 2023 was used to inform this strategy, often sourced from Defra’s Waste Dataflow portal. The strategy draws on data from 2013 onwards as this was the mid-point of the last waste prevention plan and provides a decade’s worth of data for comparison purposes. Extensive use has been made of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) near neighbour benchmarking group for Shropshire to enable comparison with local authorities with similar demographics.

Shropshire Council are interested in hearing your views on this new draft strategy. Please take the time to read the strategy and let us know what you think using the online survey. Your views will be considered as part of the final strategy before it is adopted by the council. Thanks very much for your feedback.