Greater Edinboro Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan

Greater Edinboro Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan will be a powerful tool for Edinboro Borough and Washington Township to consider high quality parks, recreation, natural resource conservation, and trails system. It provides a direction to enhance the quality of recreational opportunities, park facilities, trails, and to generally improve quality of life for Edinboro area residents and visitors.The detailed information provided will assist in setting goals and the appropriate allocation of needed support.

The planning process is led by a three-step progression of questions that would allow this plan to be custom-made for the Greater Edinboro region.
  • Where are we now?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • How do we get there?
Public Input is an essential component of the plan. Thank you for participating in this survey.

Deadline to complete the survey is July 9, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes you? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate the number of people living in your household according to the following age ranges:

  0 1 2 3 4 5
Under the age of 4
Ages 5-12
Ages 13-18
Ages 19-29
Ages 30-59
Ages 60+

Question Title

* 3. In which age range do you fall?

Question Title

* 4. How long have you lived in, worked in, or had a business in our communities?

Question Title

* 5. What experiences do want when visiting parks or recreation areas? Select all that apply

Question Title

Map of Greater Edinboro Parks

Map of Greater Edinboro Parks

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied are you with the recreational facilities and amenities (including sports fields, playgrounds, shelters, and trails) at the following locations?

To find the location of a park please click on the name of the park, visit this link, or refer to the map of parks above.

  5 - Very Satisfied 4 - Satisfied 3 - Somewhat Satisfied 2 - Dissatisfied 1 - Very Dissatisfied Unsure, I don't visit this park
Mike Onda Beach
Chestnut Park Playground
Billings Park Playground
Pat Crawford Beach
Triangle Park
James Hagerty Park
Woods Memorial (Softball Field)
Nature's Outlet
Veteran's Park
Inspiration Park
Wainer Park
Peninsula Park
Conneauttee Park
Point Park
Willow Park-Walking/Fitness Trail connecting to Peninsula Park
Thompson Park (Basketball Court)

Question Title

* 7. If you are unsatisfied with any of the recreational facilities listed above, please explain how you feel the facility can be improved? (Optional).

Question Title

* 8. What are the top three best qualities about Greater Edinboro area parks?

Question Title

* 9. Where do you think the communities should focus its parks and recreation efforts in the future?

  High Priority  Priority  Low Priority  Not Necessary
Expand recreation programs and activities
Develop indoor recreation facilities
Improve amenities in existing parks
Protect open space and natural resources
Develop walking and biking trails that connect parks, neighborhoods, schools and businesses
Enhance accessibility in parks  (ADA) and inclusivity
Improve playgrounds

Question Title

* 10. The following is a list of recreation activity categories. Check the box if members of your family would like to participate in the activity listed, if they are or would be made available.

Question Title

* 11. If the Greater Edinboro would expand facilities at the existing or newly developed parks how important would it be to provide the following amenities?

  Very Important  Somewhat Important  Not Important Not Needed
Basketball Court
Bicycling/walking/running trails 
Bocce Court 
Multi-use sports fields (soccer/lacrosse/field hockey)
Pickleball Court
Picnic Pavilion
Inclusive Playground
Adult Exercise Equipment
Tennis Court 
Volleyball Court
Storm water Management
Indoor Recreation Opportunities/Community Center
Indoor Aquatics Facilities
Facility/Pavilion with full kitchen
Lake Boardwalk
Lake Equipment Rental Opportunities
Nature Programs
Dog Park

Question Title

* 12. How do you typically find information about recreation programs, sports leagues, and special events in the area?

Question Title

* 13. How important is it to develop more trails and connections(sidewalks, pathways, bike lanes) to improve pedestrian and bicycling connections in Greater Edinboro?

Question Title

* 14. How important is it that the Edinboro Borough and Washington Township continue to invest in the development, operations and maintenance of public parks, trails and open spaces?

Question Title

* 15. How important is it that Edinboro Borough and Washington Township acquires properties with quality recreation potential or natural diversity to use in future park development or connectivity corridors (trails, greenways, etc.)?

Question Title

* 16. Would you be willing to assist in programming, maintenance or other tasks related to the program and events, parks, trails, and open space in Washington Township and/or the Borough of Edinboro?

Question Title

* 17. Do you and your family utilize the PennWest Edinboro University Facilities?

Question Title

* 18. Do you feel there is value in the Borough and Township to work together cooperatively on future projects to benefit the Greater Edinboro Community?

Question Title

* 19. Would you support the development of a Greater Edinboro Joint Parks and Recreation Department to increase the quality of parks and receation ?

Question Title

* 20. Is there anything else we should know about parks, recreation, and open space in Greater Edinboro?

Question Title

* 21. Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire. If you are interested in receiving updates, please provide your contact information below.  It will not be shared with any other parties. Additional thoughts related to this project can be sent to Heather Cuyler, Pashek+MTR at