Wapakoneta Community Preferences Survey


The brief survey that you are about to complete is the second survey in the process of developing Wapakoneta's Comprehensive Community Plan. The survey questions were generated using the ideas and results of the Wapakoneta Community and Student Surveys taken by over 1,400 residents. Thank you for participating in planning process.
1.Why do you live in Wapakoneta?
2.Residents noted a desire for improved and safe pedestrian mobility and connectivity choices. How would you like to see this happen?
3.Residents noted a desire for enhanced park and recreational opportunities. How would you like to see this happen?
4.I believe the biggest threat to our riverfront is...
5.Residents completing the community survey noted a need to address failing infrastructure, public health, and water quality. What mechanisms would you support to enable the City to repair local infrastructure?
6.I am familiar with programs and incentives that Wapakoneta has that promote residential, commercial and industrial development and housing renovation.
7.What’s the biggest impediment to the marketability of this community?
8.I believe the biggest threat to our Downtown is…
9.How would you describe the parking situation downtown?
10.A majority of survey respondents believe that historical and architecturally-significant properties help to promote the downtown’s character and marketability. What’s the best way to preserve these properties and maintain the appearance of the downtown?
11.Should more tools be developed that protect our neighborhoods from blight and nuisances?
12.Would you be in favor of a vacant property registration ordinance to ensure owners meet a minimum standard of maintenance of their properties while vacant?
13.Do you believe some sort of exterior inspection for single family rental properties would help protect neighborhoods from further blight?
14.Wapakoneta should be:
15.Which statement do you identify with most?
16.Which statement do you identify with the most?
17.Your age:
18.Open Ended: Feel free to tell us anything that you wish concerning the future of Wapakoneta.
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