What is the purpose of the study?
We are researchers interested in how certain types of experiences co-occur. We would like to understand how shifts in attention are related to unusual perceptual experiences. These are like illusions. The shifts in attention, or tuning-out, may help us to understand why some people more than others have unusual perceptual experiences.
Why have I been invited to take part?
We are interested in hearing from a wide variety of people. We would like to hear from people who are aged between 18 and 35 years old. There are no other requirements for taking part in this study.
Do I have to take part?
You are under no obligation to take part and you will not experience any loss of benefit or penalty if you choose not to participate. This means it is up to you whether or not you take part.
What will I have to do?
For this study, all the measures will be placed online. This means that you are able to complete the study in your own time. For this phase of the study, you will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires which will take you around 15 to 20 minutes. We will ask you some questions about yourself including about your physical and mental health, recreational drug use in the last 3 months, how you feel in general and how well connected to others you feel. These questions help us to understand who you are and provide context for the other questions we will ask you. You will be asked some questions about tuning-out experiences you may encounter in your day to day life, how you feel about the experiences you may have had, how you feel in yourself and what your sleep patterns are like. Some questions we ask will be about daydreaming and mind wandering. We will also ask you questions about unusual perceptual experiences you may have had, these will include things you may have felt, seen or heard. Some of these questions may seem unusual, but they are describing experiences people in the general population have reported. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Try not to think about them for too long, go with your gut responses.
These questions make up the baseline measures of a longer study. You can complete just the baseline measures here or you can continue and complete the other elements of the study. We will ask you for your email so that we can contact you about the longer study. In the longer study we will ask you complete a few questions about tuning-out, day-dreaming, how you feel and have slept on four occasions. We will email you invitations as a reminder when to complete the measures on the four occasions. These follow ups will only take 10 minutes each. To link these together we will use your email address so it is important that you use the same email address each time. Remember you can do the current questions and not provide an email address for the other element of research.
What are the possible disadvantages/risks in taking part?
Other than the time it will take you to complete the questions there are no disadvantages to taking part in the study. Some of the questions ask about experiences which you may have not spoken about before. This could be equally as confronting or interesting for different people. Most people find this type of research interesting. If you have any questions about the research please feel free to get in touch with Emma on emma.barkus@northumbria.ac.uk