The Town of Wales received a grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for the purpose of creating an Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP).  The OSRP evaluates Wales’ natural, cultural and historic resources; and recommends actions to be implemented over the next seven-years. The Wales Master Plan Implementation Committee (MPIC) is working with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) and have developed a questionnaire to enable the public to provide valuable input about their park and open space use and preferences. The MPIC will use input from the following survey, along with information gathered from a Community Visioning Workshop to draft a 7-year "Action Plan" to manage, enhance, and protect Wales’ open space and its natural and man-made recreational resources. Public input is a critical aspect of the Plan.
Residents of Wales are also invited to attend the Community Visioning Workshop for the Open Space and Recreation Plan on Saturday March 9, 2024 at the Wales Elementary School Cafeteria. The event begins at 10:00am, with a discussion about Open Space and Recreation planning by PVPC Planner Angela Panaccione.  Residents will then have the chance to participate in small group discussions to develop the plan’s vision, goals, and objectives to address how the community should pursue open space and recreation priorities over the next 7 years.
The Town needs this input to build its open space and recreation plan, a document required to qualify for state and federal funding and expansion projects.  Please take a few minutes to answer all applicable questions.  Thanks for your help!

Question Title

* 1. What types of lands do you feel are most important to protect?

Question Title

* 2. Please list the landscapes, views, locations and other outdoor experiences you think most symbolize Wales’ unique character and the parts of Wales that you “show off” to visitors and guests?

Question Title

* 3. Please list any historic sites (include artifacts, landscapes, and buildings) in Wales that the Town should make a priority to preserve.

Question Title

* 4. Are you interested in:

Question Title

* 5. Which local farms/farmers markets or farm stands do you visit?

Question Title

* 6. Have you, or your family, participated in one of the following activities in the past 12 months; and if there was a town program or facility that offered the activity would you, or your family, use it?

  Are you or your family active in? If there was a town program or facility that offered the activity, would you or your family use it?
ATV use
Live Music
Ice Skating
X-country skiing

Question Title

* 7. Have you or your family participated in one of the following sports in the past 12 months; and if there was a town program or facility that offered the sport would you use it?

    Are you or your family active in? If there was a town program or facility that offered the activity, would you or your family use it?
Field Hockey
Ice Hockey
Track & Field
Yoga/Tai Chi

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the availability of recreational opportunities in Wales for the following groups.

  Very Good  Good Adequate Needs Improvement Do Not Know
Pre-school children
Elementary children
Teens/young adults
People with disabilities

Question Title

* 9. How often do you or your family use the following recreational facilities/areas

  Often Sometimes Rarely Never I did not know this existed
Wales Elementary School fields or playground
Wales Elementary School Tennis Courts
Union Road Town Beach
Sichol’s Colony Boat Launch
Sichol’s Beach (beach or pavilion)
Lake George Dam (off Rt. 19)
Needham Park
Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary (walking paths and museum)
Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary (talks, guided walks, and programs)
Oak Haven Campground
Wales 100 acre woods (behind school)
Wales Public Library
Wales Fish and Game Club
Wales Shawville Pond (across from library)
Wales’ Old Town Hall and veteran’s memorial
Wales Senior Center
Brimfield State Forest
Cemetery No. 1 – Union Rd
Cemetery No. 2 – Main Street
Cemetery No. 3 – Laurel Hill Road
Cemetery No. 4 – End of Laurel Hill Road (Green Cemetery)

Question Title

* 10. To what extent did the following factors affect your decision to live in Wales?

  Very important Important Somewhat important Not important
Easy Commute
Cost of Living
Rural Character
Outdoor Recreation

Question Title

* 11. Which of the following would you support to preserve open space and recreation land in Wales?

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* 12. The term “residential growth” refers to new housing development. What residential growth policies do you favor for the Town?

Question Title

* 13. How long have you lived in Wales?

Question Title

* 14. What is your Age?

Question Title

* 15. Approximately how many acres do you own in Wales?

Question Title

* 16. Optional: May we contact you with further information about upcoming meetings & events?