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Submissions are anonymous and do not collect any identifying data. Please take the survey only once, but encourage lighting colleagues of all gender identities and others at your firm to submit responses. 

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your company?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes the size of your company?

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* 4. Which of the following best describes your role?

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* 5. Are there mothers in leadership roles, i.e. principal, ownership, direct decision making at your firm?

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* 6. Are there fathers in leadership roles, i.e. principal, ownership, direct decision making at your firm?

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* 7. Are there non-binary parents in leadership roles, i.e. principal, ownership, direct decision making at your firm?

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* 8. Does your role include setting or approving HR policies?

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* 9. Which of the following parent-friendly benefits does your company provide? (check all that apply)

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* 10. Please rank up to five of the following parent-friendly benefits in order of importance to you. (#1 is most important)

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* 11. Does your company have a published policy for parental leave?

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* 12. Which of the following family support structures does your organization have in place? (check all that apply)

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* 13. Are the benefits noted in Question 10 offered to all employees? (full-time, part-time, senior and junior employees, interns, male, female, etc.)

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* 14. If benefits are only offered to some employees, please explain.

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* 15. Please rank up to five of the following family support structures based on importance to you. (#1 is most important)

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* 16. Does your company encourage non-birth parents (fathers, spouses, adoptive parents or partners of the birth parents) to use parental benefits?

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* 17. If yes, how does your company encourage non-birth parents (fathers, spouses, adoptive parents, partners of the birth parent) to use these benefits?

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* 18. Does your company have an employee resource group (ERG) and/or an ERG centered around caregivers?

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* 19. Does your company have an established mentee/mentorship program for working parents?

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* 20. Describe any specific initiatives or programs designed to support parents in your organization.

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* 21. Does your organization provide leadership training to new managers that includes topics such as support for working parents?

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* 22. Does your organization track return-to-work rates following maternity and parental leave?

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* 23. Does your organization track employee engagement / satisfaction by gender, pay levels, parental status, race, and / 0r ethnic groups?

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* 24. How supportive is your company culture regarding parenting?

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* 25. How would you describe the culture at your firm regarding parenting?

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