This survey is designed to obtain feedback on the potential changes to the Computer Science Program Criterion C5 (Curriculum). Respondents to the survey may be computing education stakeholders in any computing subdiscipline, not exclusively computer science. Stakeholders may include professionals in the discipline, educators, and/or employers of graduates from computing degree programs. Please send inquiries to Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Proposed Changes (additions shown in gold; deletions shown in strikethrough)

Computer Science Program Criterion C5 (Curriculum):

"The curriculum requirements are in addition to the General Criteria curriculum requirements and specify topics, but do not prescribe specific courses.

These requirements are:

a. Computer science: At least 40 semester credit hours (or equivalent) that must include:
  1. Substantial coverage of: algorithms and complexity; computer science theory; concepts of programming languages; and software development and fundamentals; software engineering; and artificial intelligence.
  2. Substantial coverage of at least one general-purpose programming language.
  3. Exposure to: computer architecture and organization; information data management; networking and communication; operating systems; and parallel and distributed computing; specialized platforms; graphics and interactive techniques; human computer interaction; and sustainable computing.
  4. The study of computing-based systems at varying levels of abstraction.
  5. A major project that requires integration and application of knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work."

Please rate your support (or lack thereof) for each of the proposed changes shown above.

  Strongly Do Not Support Do Not Support Neutral Support Strongly Support
Substantial coverage of: ... software development fundamentals ....
Substantial coverage of: ... software engineering; ....
Substantial coverage of: ... and artificial intelligence.
Exposure to: ... data management; ....
Exposure to: ... specialized platforms; ....
Exposure to: ... graphics and interactive techniques; ....
Exposure to: ... human computer interaction; ....
Exposure to: ... and sustainable computing.

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* 2. Please Provide Any Other Comments Regarding the Proposed Changes to the Criteria:

Question Title

* 3. Identify Your current CAC/ABET-accredited program(s), if affiliated with an academic institution:

Question Title

* 4. Are you a CSAB/ABET volunteer? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 5. Where do you currently reside?

Thank you for completing our survey!