Question Title

* First Name

Question Title

* Last Name

Question Title

* Primary Email Address

Question Title

* Connection to CF

Question Title

* How did you hear about the Adult Guide?

Question Title

* Which portions of the Adult Guide are of interest to you?

  Have read Would like to read May reference someday Will never use
Basics of Lung Care
Sinusitis and CF
Lung Transplant
Basics of Digestive Tract
Improving Nutrition with Tube Feedings
CF-Related Diabetes
Basics of Infection Control
Vascular Access Devices
Anxiety and Depression
Basics of CF and Male Infertility
Birth Control for Women with CF
Pregnancy in CF
Menopause in CF
Day-to-Day Time Management
Eating on the Go
Exercise with CF
Having a Fabulous Social Life
Traveling with CF
Parenting as an Adult with CF
Finding Community Support
Managing Home Care
Changing Care Centers
Participating in CF Clinical Trials

Question Title

* Is there anything that is missing from the Adult Guide?

Question Title

* Would you talk to or share with your care team or health care provider about what you read in the Adult Guide?

Question Title

* How likely is it that you would recommend the Adult Guide to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* Are there any topics specific to living with CF as an adult, that you would like to learn more about?

Question Title

* Do you have any other feedback about the Adult Guide?