Welcome to the LMCP's Funding Priority Survey for the Coastal Grants Program 2025 application cycle. Please fill out this brief questionnaire to share your input on what you would like to see the LMCP prioritize in the grants program's implementation throughout the Lake Michigan watershed during our next competitive grant cycle.

For optimal results, please submit your input on a desktop computer. If you have any questions or have trouble submitting the survey, please contact the LMCP grant specialist Katherine Balkema at KBalkema@dnr.IN.gov or 219-250-5401.

For more information about the State of Indiana’s privacy and data collection policy, please see: https://www.in.gov/core/privacy.html

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* 1. Which of the following groups are you most closely affiliated with?

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* 2. Which county in the Indiana Coastal Zone are you most closely affiliated with? (Choose all that apply)

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* 3. The types of projects the LMCP can fund are listed below. Rank the project categories from most important to least important.

  Most important Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important
Planning/Coordination/Management - develop methods for the management or restoration of natural, cultural, and historical resources in the coastal area; includes planning for natural hazards in the coastal area.
Education/Outreach - improve the connection between the public and the natural, cultural, and historical resources of Indiana's Lake Michigan watershed; facilitate increased understanding of coastal processes, hazards, and stewardship.
Applied Research - support studies that produce new knowledge required for an identified coastal resource need of a community, land manager, or organization.
Low-Cost Construction - conduct habitat restorations and/or construct public access/ADA structures.
Land Acquisition - facilitate land purchases specifically to provide/improve public access or areas that provide preservation of significant natural resource(s).

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* 4. Using the three categories you selected as the most important in the previous question, name one activity for each category that you think the LMCP should prioritize in 2025. This could range from activities listed in the descriptions above or other specific actions you would like to see implemented for the benefit of Indiana's Coastal Region.

Some examples include conducting wetland or wildlife inventories, developing water quality education or management measures, restoring and/or managing culturally/historically significant sites or resources, etc.

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* 5. If there are other activities you would like to see included in the LMCP’s Grant Priorities that have not been listed above, please identify them below.