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Talking Circle Survey (2023)

The Local Network (Party) of Australia

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What do you love about living where you live?

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What is needed from policy-makers to ensure these benefits persist?

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What might parliamentarians do to engage more fully with you and represent you?

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Traditional party politics requires representatives’ primary bond to be to their party, not their electorate. Is that acceptable to you or, if not, what would you change?

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Do you see any benefits or problems with having independents in parliament?

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At this stage, what do you predict will be the critical issues in the upcoming:

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Any other comments? (optional, you can skip this!)

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If you know of any outstanding local community members who you think might be interested in standing for election, please let us know their name and how we might find/contact them. (optional, you can skip this!)

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For your kind submission, how can we follow-up with you?

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