Townsville Green Drinks Feedback
How many Green Drinks events have you attended over the past 12 months?
One or a few
Most of them
Which of the following venues did you enjoy (or think you would enjoy in future)? Select all that apply.
Grill'd, South Townsville
The Commonwealth Hotel, South Townsville
Smugglers Wine Bar, Nelly Bay
The Rockpool Pavilion, North Ward
None of the above
Provide further comments here
Can you suggest any other venues for us to explore?
How often would you prefer the venue to change?
Rotate through different venues each month
Stick with one main venue and visit a new venue every few months
Stick with one venue only
Other (please specify)
Which of the following have been barriers to you attending Green Drinks in the past? Select all that apply.
Friday evenings are not a suitable time for me
Past venues have not been easy for me to get to
I'm worried I won't know anyone or won't have a good time
I prefer not to be in loud places
I prefer not to visit places where alcohol is served
Family or work commitments make it difficult to attend
I require the venue to be child-friendly
Other (please specify)
Green Drinks are usually held from 6pm on a Friday. If we were to explore other days/times, what would you suggest?
We would like to invite guest speakers to present at Green Drinks throughout 2023. Who would you like the chance to meet or hear from?
If you have attended at least one Green Drinks event in the past, what did you enjoy about it? Select all that apply.
An opportunity/excuse to get out of the house
The chance to meet new people
A sense of community
Learning about things that are relevant to me/my interests
Linking up with volunteering opportunities/possible work connections etc.
Other (please specify)
Is there any other feedback you'd like to provide, to help us improve Green Drinks in the future?
Your name