WORKSITE APPLICATION - JobLink Employment and Training Program

JobLink Worksite Application

JobLink is operated by the Office of Employment and Training at Tompkins Workforce New York with oversight from Tompkins County Workforce Development.

The JobLink program provides career exploration, subsidized employment, life skill development and educational support for teens and young adults living in Tompkins County, NY. The program is year-round and prioritizes individuals facing barriers to employment such as disability, housing insecurity, justice system involvement, low income, and Foster Care.
1.Name of Business/Organization(Required.)
2.Business/Organization Address (the JobLink worksite location)(Required.)
3.Regular Hours of Operation for this Business/Organization(Required.)
4.Main Supervisor Name(Required.)
5.Main Supervisor Email Address(Required.)
6.Main Supervisor Phone Number
(best number to reach you when youths are working)
7.We require that at least one of the listed supervisors on this application is onsite at all times when our youth workers are in attendance. Would you like to add additional supervisors?(Required.)
8.Supervisor #2 Name
9.Supervisor #2 Email Address
10.Supervisor #2 Phone Number
11.Supervisor #3 Name
12.Supervisor #3 Email
13.Supervisor #3 Phone Number
14.Youths must input and save their time daily into their timesheet. All hours must also be entered on a supervisor verification document. Who will be responsible for ensuring timesheets are completed daily and submitted on Fridays?(Required.)
15.Phone Number of Staff Responsible for Submitting Timesheets(Required.)
16.Email of Staff Responsible for Submitting Timesheets(Required.)
17.Timesheets must be submitted and verified every other Friday in order for youths to be paid on time. If you are out, we will need someone else at your organization to verify the accuracy of youth timesheets on time.
Please list the name of the backup person who will verify timesheets in your absence.
18.Please tell us why you are interested in serving as a worksite for JobLink youths.(Required.)
19.Our program serves young people ages 14-24. Please choose what age groups you would like to host.(Required.)
20.Would your business/organization consider hiring a youth as a regular (unsubsidized) employee after the JobLink training period if the young person has satisfied the requirements of an entry level worker? This is not required but we try to be transparent with youth workers about whether or not there is a chance of being hired after the training period.(Required.)
21.Youth Job Title
(please make this youth friendly - will be shared with teens/young adults)
22.Purpose of Job
(please make this youth friendly and fun - will be shared with youths)
23.Basic Tasks - please list 3 - 5 common tasks. When a youth is hired, we will fill out a more detailed Job Training Outline with you and the youth.
(please make this youth friendly - will be shared with youths)
24.Number of positions available.
Please note that if you host multiple workers we will request that they work at least 1-2 shifts at the same time so that our staff can visit multiple youths at once.
25.Is there required clothing/shoes/equipment that the youth must have in order to work at your site? If there are, please list them here. JobLink can fund eligible purchases for items like work boots, work pants, etc. if these are deemed necessary for health and safety on the job.
26.Proposed Work Schedule - please list days and hours desired and note whether these are flexible or not.

Please note that we request 20 hours per week of work for youths not attending school and at least 15 hours per week for youths attending school. Youths who are out of school can work up to 40 hours per week if desired by the worksite and the youth, but can never go into overtime.

Each youth can work for 480 hours total in our program and receives a subsidized hourly wage of $15.32. Most work placements will last 3-6 months, depending on hours worked per week.
27.Additional Youth Job Titles (please list other jobs if applicable to your worksite)
28.If there is a specific young person or young persons you would like to host at your site, please list their name and contact information here. We will reach out to them to see if they are eligible and to help them complete a separate application for youths. Youths must meet eligibility criteria to enroll. Please let us know if you have a group of youths and we can enroll them as a group onsite.
29.What is the earliest date your organization could start hosting youth workers?(Required.)
30.JobLink serves young people who are experiencing situations that may make attaining or retaining employment more difficult. The purpose of our program is to provide supportive employment experiences to help youths build workplace skills, make connections in the community, and pursue further training or unsubsidized employment after their job training in JobLink. Our program provides assistance in many ways including: providing free TCAT bus passes or gas cards to get to work, subsidizing childcare costs, and purchasing clothing or equipment needed for work. Our work is different depending on each young person's needs but our staff are here to support every youth worker and Worksite so that the experience is mutually beneficial.

Please check off all youth populations you have experience and comfort working with:
31.What is your business/organization's COVID-19 vaccination policy as of today? If something changes, please notify us.(Required.)
32.How did you learn about the JobLink Program?(Required.)
33.Is there anything else you would like to share with our staff?