City of Raymond Community Survey

Downtown Revitalization Survey

Planning for Downtown Revitalization – City of Raymond
The future of Raymond depends on the presence of a strong local economy that serves the needs of both residents and commercial interests. Improving downtown Raymond is a central focus of this effort.
Pacific County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) is seeking your feedback to incorporate into strategic planning priorities.
1.What do you love about Raymond?
2.Please check all that apply.
3.What is your age?
4.What would you like to see developed in Raymond? (Please explain in comments)
5.Rank the importance of arts and culture in Raymond.
Extremely important
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not Important at all
6.Rank the Importance of Downtown Revitalization. (Water, sewer, utilities, internet, roads, beautification.)
Extremely Important
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not at all Important
7.What source do you use most frequently to learn about Raymond news and events?
8.If you could change one thing in Raymond, what would it be?