Midwest Soil Health Summit Speaker and Topic Ideas Question Title * 1. Which topics are you most interested in? Below are some ideas. Select all that interest you and add your own ideas below! Livestock Integration into Cropping Systems Getting Started with Grazing Economics of Grazing Soil Health Improvement Techniques Soil Health in a Corn/Bean Rotation Soil Health and Water Quality Building Diverse Cover Crop Mixes Soil Health for Graziers Sheep & Goats Infrastructure for Grazing Alternative Cropping Systems Soil Health & the Nutrient Density of Food Choosing the Right Equipment for Soil Health Grain Marketing Pastured Poultry Production Small Grains Sustainable Hay Production Please let us know other topics that would interest you. Question Title * 2. Which of these well-known speakers would you like to hear from? Select all that you'd like to hear in person and add your own ideas below. Dr. Fred Provenza Gabe Brown Dallas Mount Dr. Allen Williams Jim Gerrish Dr. Kris Nichols Joel Salatin Temple Grandin Ray Archuleta Dr. Lance Gunderson Dr. Jonathan Lundgren Dave Pratt Jared Luhman Will Harris Alejandro Carrillo Wally Olson Grant & Dawn Breitkreutz Jay Fuhrer Deborah Clarke & Emry Birdwell Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Have you attended the Midwest Soil Health Summit before? Yes No Question Title * 4. What would you most like to get out of attending the Summit? Question Title * 5. Anything else you want to tell us about the Midwest Soil Health Summit? Done