How might you practice Equity as appointed or assigned leaders of the United Methodist Church? We will address this question in an all-day, in-person workshop offered in three different locations around the Pacific Northwest Conference. Ordained clergy, local licensed pastors, and lay persons assigned from across the GNW Area are invited to attend. This full-day workshop (9 am to 5 pm) will fulfill the intercultural competency requirement for leaders under assignment or appointment in the PNW Conference for the quadrennium ending on December 31, 2024. Kristina Gonzalez, Executive Director for Innovation and Vitality, and Equity Colleagues will facilitate. There is no charge for this training event. Registration is required.

If you are unsure whether you have fulfilled your PNW intercultural competency requirement for the current quadrennium, please contact Stephanie Franklin, Board of Ordained Ministry Administrator, at If you have questions about this event, please contact Patrick Ferguson, Program Coordinator, at

Question Title

* 1. Attendance Date and Location (choose one)

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* 2. Name

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* 4. Preferred Pronouns for Name Tag

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* 5. Conference

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* 6. District

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* 7. Appointment or Assignment Location

Question Title

* 8. Dietary Restrictions