Thank you for your interest in our series of webinars regarding transgender issues. We hope you find the information both interesting and helpful. Please consider completing the following short evaluation so that we may continue to enhance our information sessions.

Question Title

* 2. You are a:

Question Title

* 3. If you are comfortable to do so, please tell us the gender you identify as:

Question Title

* 4. Which webinar(s) did you watch? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Overall, how satisfied were you with this series

Question Title

* 6. Please check the box that reflects your response or opinion. Choose N/A if the item is not appropriate or applicable.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
The webinar series offers a good overview of trans issues
The webinar(s) that I viewed was/were well presented
The presenter(s) was/were knowledgeable about the topic being discussed
I would recommend this series to my co-workers/friends
I will be able to use the information from this webinar in my work
I have or will implement changes in my workplace because of this series

Question Title

* 7. What did you find most useful and/or compelling about this webinar series?

Question Title

* 8. What did you find least useful and/or problematic about this webinar series?

Question Title

* 9. Do you have any other comments?