The PhysTEC Teacher of the Year award celebrates the outstanding efforts of in-service high school teachers in physics teacher education at both the local and national levels. By elevating exemplary teacher leaders, we increase the visibility of their work and the physics teacher education programs they support. By providing national recognition, we also recognize the efforts of physics teacher education programs and reinforce the mission our Member Institutions serve.

Eligible nominees for PhysTEC Teacher of the Year must be currently employed as an in-service teacher at the secondary level in the classroom at least half-time AND have at least 3 years of full-time employment as a classroom teacher at the secondary level.

Nominations may be submitted by anyone from a post-secondary institution, school district, or teacher organization. Self-nominations are also accepted. The nomination deadline is August 30, 2024.

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* 1. Nominee information

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* 2. Your information (leave blank if self-nominating)

In the fields below, share evidence of the nominee’s contributions to physics teacher education.

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* 3. Support for in-service HS physics teachers (e.g., leading workshops, coordinating professional development, mentoring in-service teachers, helping recruit physics teachers to the area). (optional)

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* 4. Support for pre-service HS physics teachers (e.g., hosting pre-service teachers in their classroom, mentoring teaching interns, teaching or speaking at a post-secondary teacher education course, helping recruit undergraduates into teaching programs, working with a post-secondary institution to enhance their support of pre- and in-service teachers). (optional)

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* 5. Education of a diverse group of future physics undergraduates (e.g., helping increase overall physics-taking rate at their school/district/state, reducing representation gaps in HS physics course enrollment, supporting HS to college transition). (optional)