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Dear Doctor, 

Thank you for taking the time to give DHAS NSW some feedback about what supports you feel would be helpful in your role as a locum doctor.  Our service is independent and confidential and the answers you provide here are anonymous and come directly to us.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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* 1. As a locum doctor, are there specific health and personal challenges you face? Please list all that apply.

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* 2. Are there any barriers to accessing support at the moment? Please list any that apply.

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* 3. What kinds/types of support would be beneficial for your own health and wellbeing?

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* 4. If you were participating in a doctors’ health and wellbeing forum, what questions would you like to ask? Please list all of them below.

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* 5. If you would like to discuss any of these questions or issues confidentially with another doctor - please provide your preferred contact details below and a DHAS doctor will contact you. Alternatively, you are welcome to call the DHAS telephone support line directly on (02) 9437 6552. 

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