Thank you for attending RemTech 2024. We really hope that you enjoyed all aspects of the conference. By completing the following survey, you will provide ESAA with valuable information that will help us in our efforts to deliver the highest quality events. All individual survey responses will be kept confidential. Only aggregate data will be shared.

Please complete the survey by no later than November 8th.

Question Title

* 1. How many RemTech conferences have you attended?

Question Title

* 2. Is Your Company an ESAA Member?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the overall effectiveness of each item: (please check only one box per line)

  Poor Unsatisfactory Good Above Average Excellent N/A
Opening Keynote - Timothy Caulfield
Thursday Keynote - Bill Weir CNN
Friday Breakfast Talk - Whooping Crane Conservation, The Wilder Institute
Friday Closing Keynote - Lyndon Linklater
Friday Closing Keynote - Jody Wilson-Raybould
Master of Ceremonies - Fred Keating
Technical Content - Sessions
Networking Opportunities
RemTech Opening Reception - Tailgate Party - Carnival Games and Race Track
RemTech Opening Reception - Food and Beverage
Thursday Reception - Casino
Thursday Reception - Food and Beverage
On-Site Check-in / Registration
Print Program
Conference App
Silent Auction
Wednesday - Indigenous Panel
Wednesday - legal Panel
Wednesday - Insurance & Risk Workshop
Networking 101 Session
Nature Walks
Yoga Sessions
Specialty Coffee Station
Wednesday Trade Show Lunch - Pizza
Thursday Lunch - Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Friday Lunch - Chicken Shawarma Bowl

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the quality of each of the following items: (please check only one box per line)

  Poor Unsatisfactory Good Above Average Excellent N/A
Hotel Staff
Food - Breakfast
Food - Breaks
Food - Lunch
Meeting Rooms
Guest Rooms - Quality
Guest Rooms - Price
Audio - Visual - Session Rooms
Audio - Visual - Main Plenary Room

Question Title

* 5. Rate each of the the following as to your primary purpose for attending RemTech.

  Least Impotant Important Most Important
Educational - Attending the Technical Sessions and Keynotes
Visiting the Exhibits
Networking with Delegates
Attending Corporate/Private Receptions

Question Title

* 6. Do you feel that you get good value for the registration fee? (Fee includes conference access, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 2 receptions)

Question Title

* 7. What did we do well?

Question Title

* 8. What could we improve? 

Question Title

* 9. What Other Topic Areas Should We Include?

Question Title

* 10. For a chance to win a 2025 Delegate pass, complete the following:

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. We hope to see you next year at RemTech 2025 or the ESAA Summit 2025. After submitting this survey you will be redirected to the RemTech 2024 website proceedings page. Thank you again for attending.