
(During the months of May through November of each year, the Biophysical Society sponsors focused-topic meetings for 150-250 attendees organized by Society members. These meetings are held throughout the world.

Proposals for meetings to be held in 2026/2027 are now being accepted. All submissions will be evaluated by the Thematic Meetings Committee.

To be considered for a Thematic Meeting, suggestions must be submitted through this site and all sections must be complete. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- Names and emails of the organizers (must have gender, geographic, and ethnic diversity)
- Proposed meeting title
- Description of meeting's topic and themes (one paragraph)
- Explanation of topic's timeliness and importance (one paragraph)
- Proposed meeting location and rationale for the location
(Meetings are to take place outside of the United States)
- Proposed meeting dates and number of anticipated attendees
- Potential additional funding sources
- Potential conflicting meetings

Proposals should address the following criteria:
- Organizers must be Society members.
- Topics must be timely, not recently addressed, and should foster interdisciplinary and international research.
- Proposed meetings must be standalone meetings, not satellites to other meetings or an established small meeting that already meets periodically.
- Speakers must present new and exciting research.
- The proposed list of speakers must represent geographic, gender, and ethnic diversity of Society membership.
- Joint meetings with other societies or institutions are appropriate when justified.

Submissions are due by Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

For information about prior meetings, or to view complete submission requirements, please follow this link: http://www.biophysics.org/thematic-meetings#/