Writer's Roadmap Content Research

I want to help you express the best possible version of yourself as a writer. To that end, I'm in the process of creating some new content designed to help writers write more, and feel better about their writing.

At this stage in my project/manuscript, I'm doing research. It would help me to get a picture of what your current writing life looks like and in what ways you'd like it to improve. I very much appreciate you sharing your thoughts on that topic with me here in this short (5-minute) survey. Thank you very much!

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* 1. How happy or unhappy are you with the amount/quantity/frequency of writing in your current writing practice?

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* 2. What are some challenges you're having with your current writing practice? (ie: Why don't you write more than you do?)

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* 3. I know I can help you develop a more robust, productive, and satisfying writing practice, but what form would you like that help to take? Please rate all the choices below with 1 being your most desired choice, to 5 being your least desired choice.

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* 4. What writing productivity strategies have you tried in the past, that didn't work out so well for you? (Some examples may include: getting up early to write, scheduling your writing, setting deadlines for yourself, taking a class, joining a group, etc. Whatever you've already tried!)

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* 5. Why do you think the strategies you've mentioned above didn't work well for you?

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* 6. What writing productivity strategies have worked *really* well for you in the past, if any?

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* 7. When you are writing, what do you tend to write? (choose all that apply)

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* 8. Thank you for taking this survey. I appreciate it.  As I develop this content, I'll occasionally be sending out updates and productivity tips via email. If you're a writer who is open to trying some new ideas to move forward toward your ideal writing practice, please leave me your email address below. Don't worry, It's easy to unsubscribe.