As we get closer to the start of the 2020 session, I want to hear what your priorities are. What issues do you care most about? What policies do you support or oppose? I invite you to take my legislative survey below. Your feedback will help me better serve you in the Legislature.

Now, on to the survey...

Question Title

* 1. What do you believe is the top priority the Legislature needs to address during the 2020 session? (ranking responses 1= top priority, 10= lowest priority)

  1. Social Services (Homelessness, Mental Health, etc.)
  2. Economy (Housing Affordability, Cost of Living, Job Creation, etc.)
  3. Education (Funding, Teacher Salaries, STEM, etc.)
  4. Taxes (Tax Reform, Cuts, Hikes, etc.)
  5. State Spending (Balanced Budget, Rainy Day Fund, Right Priorities, etc.)
  6. Health Care (Affordability, Access, etc.)
  7. Transportation (Traffic, Gas Prices, Fixing Roads and Bridges, etc.)
  8. Environment (Climate Change, Pollution, etc.)
  9. Energy (Nuclear, Oil and Gas, Alternatives, etc.)
  10. Public Safety (Crime, Substance Abuse, Funding for Police, etc.)

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* 2. If your top priority isn't listed above, please describe it here.

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* 3. What is the most significant financial challenge your family faces on a monthly basis? (ranking responses 1= biggest challenge, 7= smallest challenge)

  1. Housing costs
  2. Saving for retirement
  3. Stretching a fixed income
  4. Paying for child care
  5. Health care costs
  6. College tuition/student loan costs
  7. Transportation/commuting costs

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* 4. In general, I'm happy with the way things are going in Washington state.

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* 5. The Democratic majority in Olympia understands and is working on the issues most important to me and my family.

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* 6. Do you believe the Legislature spends your tax dollars wisely on services that Washingtonians need, or do you believe that the Legislature wastes your tax dollars on unnecessary and frivolous things?

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* 7. Would you support an increase in the gas tax as a way to pay for improving the state's roads, highways and bridges?

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* 8. Do you support replacing the gas tax with a pay-per-mile system?

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* 9. Do you support a state income tax?

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* 10. Would you support legislation to prevent local governments from implementing an income tax?

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* 11. Do you have any legislative ideas you wish to share with me?