Shoplifting Survey August 2024

1.Has criminal behaviour / activity changed over the last 12 months?
2.Do you think that the Angel town centre is a safe place?
3.How often does your business experience shoplifting / theft?
4.Is there a time of day when shoplifting occurs more often than at other times?
5.Are there any specific days of the week when shoplifting cases are higher than others?
6.Have you experienced shoplifting cases where physical threats or force were used?
7.Are the shoplifters you witness repeat offenders?
8.What is the value of items are most frequently stolen?
9.In what way has shoplifting impacted your business?
10.What measures have you or your business taken to combat shoplifting, and have they been successful?
Has been successful in reducing shoplifting
Has not been successful in reducing shoplifting
Have not introduced this measure
Installed CCTV
Hired security personnel
Trained staff on prevention
Used security tags / alarms
Changed store layout
Used the WhatsApp group
Involved the Angel BID Business Crime Team
11.What is your in-store policy on the following – tick all that apply
12.The BID patrolling team, our crime reduction projects and our partnership with the police are working to tackle crime, focussing on prolific offenders, What suggestions do you have to improve the systems we have in place?
13.How often do you report shoplifting / theft to the Police?
14.If less than a 100% reporting rate, why not?
15.Please add any comments on the reporting process you have and the support you receive after reporting.
16.When does your business usually operate? (Please tick all that apply)
17.What is your primary type of business?