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About this survey

CNWL is seeking your view, as a carer, to inform a new short project we will be delivering to you.

The coronavirus crisis is having a profound impact on everyone. For this project, we propose to offer you:
·         Digital support from volunteers, enabling access to the internet, technology and the confidence to use them
·         Wellbeing workshops
·         Chat groups and a Check in and Chat service.

How does this benefit you?
·         It will be easier to keep in touch with friends and family, and get involved in things that interest you
·         Give you confidence in to access community services online
·         Help you to maintain your health through useful workshops
·         Give you the ability to connect with others and get regular calls from our friendly volunteers

With this short survey, we want to understand your digital needs, what topics and training interests you have and your interest in a chatting service.

The survey will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. If you experience any problems, you can contact us on or Lisa on 02076855696.

We thank you in advance for your help!

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* 1. Do you care for a person who is accessing CNWL services?

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* 2. Do you currently have access to the internet via a smartphone (this is a phone that can work as a computer, has a touchscreen, internet access, and apps), iPad, tablet or computer? 

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* 3. How confident do you feel with internet technology such as smartphones and tablets?

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* 4. Are you interested in improving your IT skills in the following : (Please tick as many as you’d interested)

Wellbeing Training
Focusing on your Wellbeing, we’d like to understand what type of training topics and wellbeing workshops you’d find useful to improve your health and how you feel.

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* 5. From the following list, please tell us the three workshops that you will be more interested in taking part.

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* 6. What other Wellbeing training topics are you interested in?

Winter volunteering carers questionnaire
Check in and Chat
The CNWL Check in & Chat service provides a friendly, trained ear to support the unpaid Carers of our patients who may be experiencing isolation and/or loneliness. Your ‘Chatter’ can provide listening support if you are finding it hard going right now. They have resources to help you to create networks in your community, signpost you to Carer resources and support your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Your ‘Chatter’ will call you regularly at a set time. Comments from previous users of our Check in and Chat service:

“When you call it’s like you're here in my living room.”

“Getting through Christmas on my own was tough and I couldn’t have done it without my Chatter.”

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* 7. If you are interested in knowing more about this service and/or want to self-refer, please complete the following so we can get in touch with you:

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* 8. Any other comments?

This is the end of the survey, thank you for your time sharing your views with us.


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