Share Your Success!

The Data Center puts data in your hands. Now we want to hear from you on how our data has benefited your organization or the broader community. 
The results of this survey will be reported to our funders in addition to providing feedback to our hardworking staff on the impact of their work.

And! The first 5 testimonials documenting a positive outcome resulting from the use of The Data Center research will receive an official “I Love Data” mug!1

Hurry! Deadline is May 31st! 

[1] The Data Center staff will review entries according to time submitted and for evidence of impact provided. Examples of evidence of impact, include but are not limited to, receiving funding for your project or organization when our research is cited, reprinting our data in a significant or influential report you publish, and/or using our data to change a law or program policy.

Question Title

You can win this mug! 

You can win this mug! 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide an example of how your use of The Data Center’s research or data has enabled you or your organization to have a positive impact on the greater New Orleans community or Southeast Louisiana.

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* 2. If known, what data or statistic(s) did you use?

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* 3. In your use of the Data Center research, you represent a:

Question Title

* 4. If you are one of the first 5 respondents documenting how The Data Center’s research has positively impacted the community, you will receive an official “I love Data” mug! Please provide your contact information and mailing address where we should send your reward.