Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is calling for industry input into a new five-year Strategic Plan that will guide the organisation and the services that it delivers for you from 2025 to 2030.

We welcome feedback from MLA members, levy payers, industry groups and stakeholders to an online survey seeking feedback and guidance on key priorities, risks and areas of core focus for the MLA Strategic Plan 2030. MLA is your industry-owned research and development and marketing service provider – and therefore we welcome extensive input from you on the shape of the strategic plan.

Since August 2024, MLA has consulted with a range of stakeholders across Australia, hearing from over 150 individuals in over 12 separate sessions about their priorities for MLA over the next five years.

What we’ve heard
Through the extensive consultation to date, feedback has covered a range of themes and emerging pillars. These have included:

Value-based marketing
Creating outcomes for industry by linking the entire supply chain with information, including leveraging technology such as objective measurement for quality and yield along with carcase feedback data.

Protecting our industry from exotic biosecurity risks through proactive strategies and partnerships.

People and safety
Developing, protecting and enhancing our current and future workforce and leadership.

Positive animal health and welfare
Enhancing animal health and welfare through best practice and application of technology and information.

Marketing and market access
Developing and enhancing the position of Australian red meat in international and domestic markets, responding to changing market dynamics and opportunities

Productivity and sustainability
Leveraging new tools and technology that deliver productivity, profitability and sustainability outcomes.

Communicating the industry story
Elevating industry communications and partnerships to strengthen industry positioning and enhance our social licence.

Regulatory environment
Exercising positive and productive influence on the regulatory environment and helping inform the community about the industry, its operation and contribution to society

This survey is an opportunity to make sure everyone has a chance to have their say and so that levy payers can provide direct input into their service provider’s strategic plan.

Responses close February 14, 2025

Question Title

* 1. What role best describes you?