Christmas Lights Switch on 2023

For Christmas 2023 Thame Town Council decided rather than one big event, we wanted to have a smaller light switch-on event, and spread the rest of the activities over the weekends in December. We wanted to provide more opportunities for you to engage in Christmas activities and keep you visiting Thame Town Centre throughout the month. 
We would love to know what you thought.
1.Did you enjoy the lights switch on event?(Required.)
2.What time did you arrive at the event?(Required.)
3.What time did you leave the event?(Required.)
4.Did you visit any High Street Retailers during the event?(Required.)
5.Did you purchase any food from the Ay StrEAT Meet stalls(Required.)
6.If you did, did you enjoy? If you didn't, why not?(Required.)
7.Did you take a look at the 5 charity stalls at the event?(Required.)
8.Based on feedback from previous years, we held a smaller light switch on event. What do you think we should do for 2024(Required.)
9.What elements of our Christmas Celebrations in 2023 would you like to see repeated next year?(Required.)
10.Do you have an ideas of things you would like to see 2024's Christmas lights switch on(Required.)
11.This year’s the Town’s Christmas Lights were switched-on at 6pm on Friday night. Future light switch on events will also take place on a Friday. What time would you like to see the lights turned on in future?(Required.)
12.If you would like a bigger lights switch on event, we would need volunteers to help spread the Christmas cheer, if you would like to join in, please leave your name and email address.
Current Progress,
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