Stuck on Getting Distros...

That basically the user cannot use Raft because there is an endlessly message saying that is Getting Distros. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue, and every similar behavior that we have found, has been corrected, but the issue is still reported.
This survey will help us better track the error.

Question Title

* 1. When the Raft get stuck in Getting Distros?

Question Title

* 2. At what time since you log in Windows it happens

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* 3. How much time it gets to leave this state.

Question Title

* 4. After closing and opening again

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* 5. When this began to happen?

Question Title

* 6. Do you use Docker Desktop?

Question Title

* 7. The output of 'systeminfo | findstr /C:"OS"'

Question Title

* 8. The output of wsl --version

Question Title

* 9. Entirely optional. Your Microsoft Account email to temporary put you in a list that receives prerelease versions or release versions faster

Question Title

* 10. Any additional comment, information that you want to give