2024 HLV Spectrum Contract Renewal Options Question Title * 1. Should HLV HOA continue to provide community wide Spectrum TV/Internet service when existing contract expires? Yes No Question Title * 2. If yes to Spectrum Contract renewal, what contract option should the HOA chose? Option 1 - Maintain existing Spectrum service with 4 set top boxes, TV Select, Entertainment View, Showtime, The Movie Channel, 500 MBPS Internet speed, $51 month(excludes taxes and fees) Option 2 - Change Spectrum service to 2 set top boxes, Spectrum TV Essentials, No premium channels, 1 GBPS internet speed, $50 month(excludes taxes and fees) Option 3 - Change Spectrum TV service from cable modem to internet streaming. Spectrum TV Essentials, Spectrum TV App. No premium channels, $40 month(excludes taxes and fees) Individual Homeowner contracts with Spectrum, No bulk contract Done