Community Downtown Parking Feedback |
Downtown Parking Community Feedback
After receiving feedback from downtown business owners, and community members about downtown parking, this survey is being circulated by City Council to get even more feedback on how to address the continued downtown parking problem.
The feedback we have received is that timed parking downtown would be beneficial to that area. Council has asked for wide spread community feedback referencing the times and dates this should be enforced, if approved. We appreciate your willingness to answer these questions for us to use as a guide.
The suggested boundaries for timed downtown parking are: Cleveland to the south side of Albany from 5th to 10th. These questions are related to street parking, as city lots would remain untimed.
Also, it was suggested to have no overnight parking on the streets and in the lots to ensure nobody is storing cars in the area and make it more accessible for the street sweeper to come in to clean the area.
This survey will be open until Thursday, December 19th at 5pm.