School Sport Victoria Annual Survey (4 minutes)

Please complete this survey to assist School Sport Victoria with future planning. Please note that your submission is confidential and remains anonymous.
1.What best describes you?(Required.)
2.For the person completing this form are you?(Required.)
3.What type of involvement have you had (you can choose more than one)?(Required.)
4.What region are you located in?(Required.)
5.In 2024 what sport(s) have you been involved in (select all that apply)?(Required.)
6.What is one word you would use to describe participating in school sport?
7.For 2024 how satisfied are you with you/your child's involvement in the School Sport Victoria activities you have been involved in?(Required.)
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
8.What are the 3 best things or major benefits about you/your child's involvement in School Sport Victoria activities?
9.Is there anything you feel could have been done differently regarding the interschool activities you/your child have been involved in?
10.How satisfied are you for each of the following areas - choose N/A if no involvement.(Required.)
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Interschool sport at a district level
Interschool sport at a division level
Interschool sport at a region level
Interschool sport at a State Championship level
Team Vic - State Team trials
Team Vic - National Championships
Victorian Teachers' Games
11.Thinking about your experience in the areas you rated above - please provide an overall satisfaction rating for each of the following:
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Venue quality
Location of venues
Organisation of event(s) you attend
Value for money
Quality of match officials (referees/judges/coaches)
12.Thinking about communication in the areas you rated above - please provide an overall satisfaction rating for each of the following:
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
School Sport Victoria communication
Your school communication
School Sport Victoria website
School Sport Victoria newsletter
13.Without checking please name any School Sport Victoria partners or sponsors?
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend participating in school sport activities you have been involved in to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
15.Is there anything you would like to add?