We want your opinion!

WSPID is working on developing its website wspid.org and we want to receive your perspective and feedback on the WSPID website. 

Thank you for your participation.

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* 1. In which country are you based?

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* 2. What is your medical specialty?

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* 3. What is your job title?

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* 4. What is your current workplace?

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* 5. What devices do you typically use when visiting a website like the wspid.org? 

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* 6. From where do you access wspid.org?

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* 7. When you are on the internet, do you face challenges when accessing a website like wspid.org? (e.g. challenges could be unstable internet connection, expensive data plan, etc.)

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* 8. What is the goal of your visit to wspid.org

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* 9. Apart from Educational resources, what OTHER TOPICS/RESOURCES do you look for when visiting wspid.org?

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* 10. Based on the topics you selected in Question 9, in what format would you like to see content?

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* 11. If not a native English speaker, do you use the Google translate extension when accessing wspid.org?

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* 12. Would you like to see content on wspid.org translated into other languages?