The ADFM Conference Planning Committee is seeking nominations of current or former medical students or residents that have led an initiative in your department for a panel at the 2025 Annual Conference.

The panel will showcase up to 4 learners to share a project, reform, or other engaging initiative with a focus on what dynamics helped them succeed and how they grew as a leader throughout the process.

Examples might include but are not limited to curriculum development, clinical projects, or health education programs.

Additional details:
  • The learner will be eligible for a stipend of up to $1,500 to fund travel to Nashville as well as a conference registration.
  • The learner can be a former medical student or resident as long as they were a student at the time of the project they are presenting (preference for being learners within the past 3-5 years).
  • If the initiative was led by a group, you must nominate one person to represent the group on the panel.

Nominations due November 14, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Learner Name

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* 2. Learner Email Address

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* 3. Nominator Name

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* 4. Nominator Email Address

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* 5. Affiliated Institution

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* 6. Is this learner still a student/resident at your institution?

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* 7. If yes, are they a student or a resident?

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* 8. If no, when did they graduate?

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* 9. Description of Initiative

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* 10. How did the faculty/chair/department help facilitate or support this initiative?

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* 11. Which mission area(s) does this initiative address?