Comment Form

WSDA wants to learn more about the needs of farmers, food businesses, and nonprofits that operate throughout the food system and supply chain in Washington. To make sure our work has the greatest impact and meets your needs, we're providing a space for you to share your questions, comments, and feedback on an ongoing basis.

Our goal is to provide a continuous opportunity for you to contact us with your comments about Washington’s Food System and the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s programs and policies.

Our objectives:
  1. Establish and maintain two-way communication between WSDA and Washington farmers, food businesses, and food system nonprofits.
  2. Use stakeholder comments and input to shape the way we work.
  3. Provide transparent and regular updates on our work to stakeholders.
This comment form is intended for people working across Washington state’s food system and supply chain, including:
  1. Farmers, growers, and producers in Washington.
  2. People who work for, own, or run food businesses in Washington.
  3. People who work for or run food-related nonprofits in Washington.

Question Title

* 1. What is your role(s) in the food system or supply chain? Select all that apply.