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* 1. We share information with the community in many places. Where do you get information about the school district?

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* 2. Do you follow Washougal School District on social media?

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* 3. How would you rate WSD communications with the community?

Lots of room for improvement Very good
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. In last year's communication survey, you asked for more advance notice about school events. We added “save the date” information to each weekly Mary’s Monday Minute e-newsletters. Has this been helpful?

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* 5. Based on family feedback, we made several changes to our snow routes and late start process. This included using a “snow route only” call list when there were snow routes but no other delay, and we added more snow routes. These changes reduced the number of late starts and snow days. Has this been helpful?

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* 6. Based on last year’s survey feedback, we increased the ways we share budget information by adding it to the front page of the district website, adding a standing budget corner to our newsletter, and sending out budget updates with links to board presentations as part of our weekly Mary’s Monday Minute e-newsletter. Has this been helpful?