The State of Distributed Systems |
Thank you for sharing your insights to help the development community better understand trends associated with high-performance distributed systems.
This study is designed to explore multiple dimensions of distributed systems, so questions span a broad range of topics: SLAs, observability, data, programming languages, etc. You might not know the answer to every question — and that’s completely fine. Just choose the “I don’t know” option. Completing the survey should take less than 5 minutes.
For every respondent who completes the survey, ScyllaDB will donate $10 to, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools. Please spread the word!
This study is designed to explore multiple dimensions of distributed systems, so questions span a broad range of topics: SLAs, observability, data, programming languages, etc. You might not know the answer to every question — and that’s completely fine. Just choose the “I don’t know” option. Completing the survey should take less than 5 minutes.
For every respondent who completes the survey, ScyllaDB will donate $10 to, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools. Please spread the word!