ELB Season 1 Podcast survey

1.Did you enjoy the season 1 guests? (1 = not at all, 5 = very much!)
2.Was there a good balance between emerging leader guests (new to the field) and seasoned professionals?
3.Did you find the book recommendations a useful part of each episode?
4.Did you enjoy the music featured in each episode?
5.Who was your favourite guest featured in season 1 of the Emerging Leaders for Biodiversity podcast?
6.How many episodes did you listen to in season 1?
7.Which platform did you use to listen to the podcast? (check all that apply)
8.Is there an organization, company, or individual that you would like to see featured in season 2?
9.How did you first hear about the ELB podcast? (select all that apply)
10.Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?