Philanthropy has become an integral part of the meeting agenda. To better understand how event professionals are integrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in their programs, we need to hear from you, the experts in the field making it happen every day. The results of this short survey will inform an article in the December Smart Meetings Magazine.

Corporate Social Responsibility Survey

Philanthropy has become an integral part of the meeting agenda. To better understand how event professionals are integrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in their programs, we need to hear from you, the experts in the field making it happen every day. The results of this short survey will inform an article in the December Smart Meetings Magazine.
1.Do you include CSR in your programs?
2.When you do include CSR, what type is it?
3.What does CSR look like at your events (choose all that apply)
4.How does your current budget reflect your commitment to CSR compared to the commitment Pre-Covid?
5.Please describe the most effective CSR program you have executed and how you measured success. (open-ended)
6.Why is CSR important to your organization and meeting? (open-ended)
7.Full Name
8.Job Title
11.Can we quote you in the article? (If you decline, the aggregate answers will be included, but we will not use your name)
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