Dear colleagues,

The Staff Council has been receiving feedback from colleagues regarding after hour work expectations. We invite you to fill out this short survey to better understand the matter and share with management.

This form is completely anonymous, and there is no way to track responses.

Question Title

* Which agency are you a part of?

Question Title

* Which portfolio/unit are you a part of?

Question Title

* Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
In my unit, there is an expectation to be reachable (via email, phone, or WhatsApp) after work hours.
In the last month, I’ve been asked to attend meetings after working hours.
In the last week, I’ve been asked to attend meetings after working hours.
Many meetings that are scheduled after hours are related to urgent and/or time sensitive issues.
Many meetings that are scheduled after hours are because of differences in time zones.
I feel comfortable declining meeting invitations after hours.
I have been reprimanded for not being responsive or not attending a meeting after hours.
I keep my Outlook Calendar updated.
I use Outlook’s Scheduling Assistant when scheduling a meeting.

Question Title

* Please use the field below to share any other thoughts.