2018-2019 workshops Question Title * 1. Please rank the following workshops in order from 1 - what you are most interested in (aka you'd sign up in a heartbeat!) to 4 - least interested in (never in a million years)! 1 2 3 4 Fortify Your Foundation: Strengthen Your Wrists and Ankles / When we think about building strength, we often focus on large muscle groups (quads, glutes, pecs etc) and the poses that ask those groups to work – think chair, lunges, and planks. But if you are going to have the stamina for long holds and repetitions of these postures, your hands and feet need to be in tip-top shape. In this workshop, you’ll learn specific exercises that target tissues in your wrists and ankles that you need to be mobile and stable if you are using yoga as your primary movement practice or ever want to progress towards arm balances that ask your hands to support the full weight of your body. All attendees will receive a handout to help make these exercises a regular part of your home practice or pre-class warm-up! 1 2 3 4 Pull Up Your Practice: Stronger Shoulders via Varied Movement / One of the joys of starting a yoga practice is moving in lots of ways it doesn't usually move, and over time, perhaps feeling stronger and more open in shapes that once felt impossible. But after months or years of consistent practice (or even on and off practice!) of the same families of poses, many yogis' movement learning slows, as we keep asking the body to perform the same kinds of poses and transitions. In particular, we do so much pushing in yoga with our upper body, but not much pulling, and lots of glute/hamstring stretching, but not as much glute/hamstring strengthening. In some yogis, this leads to imbalances across joints that may contribute to pain and instability.Have you ever wondered, why can I do push-ups or even handstands, but not pull-ups? Why can I do a deep pigeon, but not get up and down off the ground with control without using my hands? In this workshop, we'll do some course correction - adding some pulling movements, incorporating props in different ways, and filling in some of the missing pieces of a healthy movement diet. If you're feeling stuck, bored, or uninspired in your yoga practice, come. If you love yoga, but don't feel as strong as you used to, definitely come. 1 2 3 4 TB(squared) = Tennis Ball x Thera Band / We'll do tennis ball massage on tight, sticky spots (hamstrings, upper back, shoulder complex), learn how to incorporate the theraband to get stronger, and feel how it affects our flow. 1 2 3 4 Locomotion is Lotion / One thing that makes yoga class special is that for X minutes, we know exactly where to be – on our 24 by 68 inch patch of mat…for five breaths in a pose…for five minutes in savasana. That container can become a safe space for healing. One downside of not getting off of our mats? The muscles that we need for walking and moving through space don’t get as much attention. Specifically, the vinyasa transition of stepping forward and backward into lunges from downward dog spares your glutes and other hip muscles from developing their stabilizing superpowers. In this workshop, we’ll play with other ways to get around your mat and across the floor that you can sneak into your regular practice so that you can get stronger, steadier, happier hips. If you think “my hamstrings/hips are always tight/cranky” …is it possible that they’re not just tight, they’re weak? Come find out what some extra movement variety can do for you! OK Question Title * 2. Which studio/neighborhood is best for you? OK Question Title * 3. Anything else I should consider, topic-wise? OK Question Title * 4. When can you come? Thanksgiving weekend Early January Some other three-day weekend Other (please specify) OK DONE