Starting in 2023 and every year thereafter, the Compliance Department will take a risk-based approach to develop our annual compliance and audit work plan.  As part of this process, we are asking for your input.  Our goal is to perform reviews that will help identify and mitigate Aspirion’s risk in many areas throughout the organization.  The purpose of this questionnaire is to get your feedback about possible exposures that could negatively affect Aspirion’s ability to operate at its maximum potential and operate in compliance with state and federal requirements.  The Compliance Department is here to help support you and Aspirion in doing the right thing. The following questions will be used to identify potential risks and opportunities in your area.

Please answer each question to the best of your knowledge and include a ranking of the associated risk. Please answer N/A for any question that is not applicable to your department.

We appreciate your time and thoughtfulness in completing this questionnaire.