Are you motivated to create caring and equitable communities where all individuals may thrive?
Do you feel energized by supporting community partners to do good in community? If yes, please take a few minutes to read the FAQ about volunteering with WRCF. And if you are still interested, please complete this volunteer expression of interest.

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name:

Question Title

* 2. E-Mail Address:

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* 3. Preferred Phone Number(s):

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* 4. As Waterloo Region Community Foundation, we want to ensure we include the voices of people from across our region in the work that we do. Please let us know where you live and/or work outside the home.

  Cambridge Kitchener North Dumfries Waterloo Woolwich Wilmot Wellesley N/A
I live in
I work in

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* 5. Please tell us a little bit about your background, including the skills or experience you would be bringing to WRCF as a volunteer on one of our committees. (if applicable)

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* 6. Why do you want to volunteer with WRCF?

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* 7. We are committed to approaching our work, including all the work done by our committees, with an equity mindset. This includes ongoing learning and actions related to, equity, diversity and inclusion.

Please let us know if this would align with your approach to working on a WRCF Committee and provide any further details about your perspective or lived experience, that you want to share with us, to support your involvement with WRCF.

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* 8. Which operational committee(s) would you be interested in joining?