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1. Cutting the Confusion: How do you recycle your household plastic?

Question Title

* 1. Do you recycle the following items of plastic packaging?

  Yes No Sometimes Not sure if recyclable Other
Drinks bottles
Milk bottles
Pots from yoghurts and deserts
Tubs such as margarine, ice-cream
Cleaner & bleach bottles
Shampoo and bathroom product bottles
Sauce bottles
Fruit & vegetable trays or punnets
Meat trays
Plastic bags and wrappers

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* 2. The following are some reasons that people have given for why they do not always recycle their plastic packaging. Which of these, if any, apply to you?

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* 3. If you were required to pay a deposit on plastic drinks bottles, how would you prefer to receive back your deposit? Please tick the answer which matches your preference.

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* 4. Which packaging material do you think has the lowest carbon footprint (amount of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere as a result of manufacture and transportation of the product) ? Please rank in order by dragging the materials up and down with 1 being the lowest carbon footprint and 6 being the highest. .

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* 5. Do you know what happens to your plastic packaging after it is collected by councils at your kerbside?

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* 6. Which best describes your belief of what happens to plastic packaging after it is collected for recycling by your local council?

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* 7. Which best describes your belief of what happens to soft plastic packaging after it is collected for recycling at the supermarket or store?

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* 8. Would you recycle more plastic if you trusted what happens to the material, where, when and how it is recycled and what it is made into?

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* 9. Where do you get your information about whether an item of plastic packaging can be recycled in your household recycling collection? Tick all that apply.

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