Call for Expression of Interest: Wear Red Canada Regional Planning Committee Volunteer |
Wear Red Canada (WRC) is celebrated annually across Canada on February 13th to raise awareness about women’s heart health. Virtual and in-person events are held across the country to serve as a reminder for all people in Canada, but especially women, to be mindful, curious, and proactive in the management of our heart health and wellness. WRC is proudly hosted by the Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance and powered by the Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre.
The #1 goal of Wear Red Canada is to reach more people across Canada. We are therefore putting out a call for volunteers to take part on our Regional Planning Committees (RPC) to help plan, coordinate, and implement various events and activities across Canada to raise awareness about women's heart health.
There are many ways to volunteer with Wear Red Canada! Sign up for as many teams as you wish based on your interest, skill set and availability. See list of teams below.
Volunteers are from across Canada and will participate in online planning meetings with others in their region. Any in-person events will be planned and must follow local health protocols.
Time Commitment & Requirements:
Volunteer commitment is flexible, but is approximately 3-5 hours a month. There will also be monthly one hour virtual meetings from September to February. As our meetings and communications are online, having access to a computer, Internet and an email address is needed. Meetings are conducted in English.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lisa Comber at lcomber@ottawaheart.ca.
Learn more here: WearRedCanada.ca
For more information, view our Regional Planning Committee Overview Document.
There are many ways to volunteer with Wear Red Canada! Sign up for as many teams as you wish based on your interest, skill set and availability. See list of teams below.
Volunteers are from across Canada and will participate in online planning meetings with others in their region. Any in-person events will be planned and must follow local health protocols.
Time Commitment & Requirements:
Volunteer commitment is flexible, but is approximately 3-5 hours a month. There will also be monthly one hour virtual meetings from September to February. As our meetings and communications are online, having access to a computer, Internet and an email address is needed. Meetings are conducted in English.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lisa Comber at lcomber@ottawaheart.ca.
Learn more here: WearRedCanada.ca
For more information, view our Regional Planning Committee Overview Document.