Pat & Chat Greyhound Adoption Day Registration

TAFE SA & BTG Pat & Chat Adoption Day

Thank you for registering your interest in attending the Pat & Chat Day on the 27th July. The day will be hosted at 33 blacks Road TAFE Gilles Plains campus in the veterinary and applied science centre building.
Please meet out the front of PETSinTuition reception.

The following information collected will be used to understand the reach of the day and what people are interested in attending for.

Please remember to leave your pets/dogs at home for the day. If you have a dog at home, a meet and greet between your dog and the greyhound you are interested in will be organised at a later date to assess their suitability together.
1.What is your Name?
2.What is your Email Address
3.What Suburb are you from?
4.What is your phone number?
5.What are you interested in/Why are you attending today?
6.How did you find out about the Pat & Chat Day?