Please take this short survey to let us know how you use the Broadway Weidler corridor and what you think the major issues are for safer, easier travel by pedestrians, bicyclists, bus riders, cars and trucks.  Your responses are strictly confidential.

If you'd like to contact the organizers, send an email here.

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* 1. Please pick the option that describes your primary use of Broadway Weidler

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* 2. The main reasons I visit or spend time on Broadway Weidler are? (check all that apply)

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* 3. Please rank the following issues in order of importance to you?

  High priority Medium priority Low Priority Not important
Loading/unloading for businesses
Safety and access for people walking
Safety and access for people bicycling or scooting
Travel reliability for people on transit
On street parking availability
Traffic flow for people driving

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* 4. If there are specific issues or concerns at or near specific locations on streets crossing Broadway or Weidler, please provide a short description below.

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* 5. If you could change only 1 thing to improve Broadway Weidler corridor what would it be?

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* 6. Let us know any additional comments or questions you have about improving Broadway Weidler or this public involvement process.

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* 7. If you would like to be notified about future Broadway Weidler planning events please enter your email address.  Thank you.