SCHA-MI New Health Center RFP Interest Survey. 

A new RFP from MDHHS is expected in the very near future.  We are trying to gauge the interest in the various programs.  This is a general inquiry, no commitment is being made.

4.E-mail Address
5.Phone number
6.How many school-based health centers are you interested in?  (Please refer to the models of care attached to the e-mail for a description).  This is a primary care provider, full-time and a full-time mental health provider.
7.Do you have a partnering school-district, or sponsoring agency (who provides the healthcare) in mind?
8.How many mental health sites are you interested in?  (Please refer to the models of care attached to the e-mail for a description).  This is a full-time mental health provider only.
9.Do you have a partnering school-district, or sponsoring agency (who provides the mental healthcare) in mind?
10.How many school-wellness program sites are you interested in?  (Please refer to the models of care attached to the e-mail for a description).  This is a full-time nurse and a full-time mental health provider.
11.Do you have a partnering school-district, or sponsoring agency (who provides the healthcare providers) in mind?
12.Comment Box for additional space or questions.  Thank you!
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered