Start Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey on behalf of the 2018 Tennessee Sustainable Transportation Awards and Forum. In order to inform planning for next year’s event, please provide us with responses to the following two questions below:

Question Title

* 1. Historically, the Tennessee Sustainable Transportation Awards and Forum has occurred in May to coincide with Clean Air Month. May, however, can sometimes be tough for events, and many students and university faculty members, which are a target audience, may not be able to attend due to finals, graduation, or summer break. Based on this, please indicate your preference regarding the month(s) that best accommodate your organization’s availability:

Question Title

* 2. Tennessee Sustainable Transportation Awards and Forum organizers are also hoping to introduce more interactive components to next year’s event and want to hear from past and potential attendees about the types of interaction that will be most valuable during such a forum. Please indicate whether you would like to see any of the following options included during the 2018 event: